Could not get mac address for nic: software loopback interface 1 udeploy agent

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I see you have the default gateway set on the external interface so return traffic should be routed out the correct interfaces on the Edge server. But if you are not able to telnet to the external ports (212.x.x.100:443, 212.x.x.101:443, etc) then that is an issue with the external firewall most likely. but according to your rout table you have a persistent route defined to handle internal traffic back to hosts.

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And the route definition for internal should not have a METRIC given, nor do you really need the IF either. There is no need to mess with changing the weakhost send/receive settings. Do not follow those instructions verbatim. Cem, As I stated that blog article does not exactly pertain your configuration you stated you have a single external interface, not multiple external interfaces.